Alternate Clinical Evaluation BC - (Clinical PCE Exams?)


As you may all know by now, the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR) had stopped administering the Clinical Component PCE exams as they are in a process of evaluating their strategic framework for their future.

There had been many updates and as it stands, each province’s college of physical therapy regulator has taken the onus on determining the criteria needed to fulfill the requirements for full registration.

In today’s post, we will be focusing on British Columbia. As per the College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia’s latest information, here are the requirements needed for full registration.

What is the Alternate Clinical Evaluation BC (ACEBC)?

The Alternate Clinical Evaluation BC (ACEBC) is an in-person OSCE that takes place in Vancouver and follows the CAPR 2018 blueprint.

Essentially, this exam will be similar to the in-person exam run by CAPR before the pandemic but in a different format (arguably easier/better)

  • eight (8) stations that are ten (10) minutes in total with a two (2) minute reading period followed by eight (8) minutes of interaction with examiners and/or patient models.

  • To signal the commencement of the stations, candidates will hear one buzzer ring. They may begin the 2-minute reading period for the question; the question will be posted on the wall outside of the door. At the sound of the second ring, candidates will enter the station and begin their intervention; candidates will have 8 minutes in which to do this. Two minutes prior to the end of the station there will be two “warning” rings. At the end of each station, there will be another ring, which is the cue to leave the room and move onto the next reading period at the next station. Candidates may begin the reading period immediately upon arriving at their next station. 

You can find the full details in the Candidate Instructions.

What about the virtual clinical component exam?

This exam format will no longer be running. The last and final cohort to complete this format was in June 2022.
(Congratulations to all our students who passed this exam!)

What will be on the exam?

As this exam follows the CAPR 2018 blueprint, anything on there is examinable. You can review the blueprint here.

Need extra help?

You can signup for our self-paced online course designed to prepare you to pass the in-person clinical competency exam. Here you will find informative videos and mock exam stations. You can look at the course curriculum for all the topics that will be discussed and there is a free preview of ligament testing available to view.

Clinical Component Course

Colin Wong