How to prepare and PASS the Written PCE?

We all know that feeling when you initially sit down to study for an exam…you often feel overwhelmed with all your textbooks, study material and lecture notes…you often feel like you have no idea where to get started.

We highly recommend implementing these tips/strategies to help get you on the right track

1.     Start studying at least 2-3 months prior to your exam

2.     Make a study schedule

  • This will help you feel like you are in control of your study routine

  • Avoid burn out! Respect that you also need time away from studying – plan and schedule your breaks (plan a small hike or read your favourite book!)

3.     Create your study schedule based on the CAPR exam blueprint

4.     Be self-aware of the type of learner you are and how you study best

  • Are you a visual learner?

  • Do you learn better with a study buddy?

5.     You may find it helpful to sign up to an Online Course

  • Signing up for a course will help guide you through your preparation for the exam - it will take away some of that extra stress and will provide you with a little more structure in your study routine

  • We have a self-paced comprehensive online course for the Written PCE that you may find helpful (use discount code: iwillpass100 for $100 off your registration fee!)

6.     Practice vignette style questions!!

7.     Mimic the exam/exam environment

  • Sit down at a desk and practice at least 100 vignette style questions under a time constraint (and don’t check any of your study material during your practice)

  • Practice exams help ease anxiety as they better prepare you for what to expect - this can help keep you calm and boost your confidence on exam day

Let us know if you have any questions about how to prepare for the written exam.

We would love to help you on your journey to becoming a registered physiotherapist in Canada!

Colin Wong